Jurnal Teknobisnis 2024-05-27T10:02:45+00:00 Gita Widi Bhawika Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Jurnal Teknobisnis (<a href="">e-ISSN: 2460-9463</a>) is a scholarly journal dedicated to advancing the field of Technology Management. It encompasses various domains, including Industrial Management, Information Technology Management, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics, Innovation Design Management, Technomarketing, and Innovation System Technology. <br /><br />Jurnal Teknobisnis is published regularly twice a year every May and November. The primary objective of this journal is to publish high-quality research findings, innovative ideas, and equivalent contributions from academics, researchers, practitioners, and students to the wider public in order to develop management, technology, and business concepts. Jurnal Teknobisnis has been previously published at the following link <a href="">Jurnal Teknobisnis 2005 - 2012</a>.</span></p> Operational Risk Management of Onshore Processing Facility using Risk Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis 2023-11-14T05:24:58+00:00 Itsna Affandi Firdaus Muhammad Isa Irawan <p>Onshore Processing Facility (OPF) is one of the natural gas processing fields. The gas is dried and distributed to the consumer. The ideal condition of a process plant is to operate continuously until the planned maintenance time. However, unexpected various operational failure problems exist during operation. The impact of operational failures occurred not only on the OPF itself but also on the Refinery Unit Operation process, which may disrupt fuel distribution in West Java and become a national issue. Research is needed to determine the critical risks of various operational failure modes. Finding the critical risk will hopefully simplify the search for the cause of failure without having to analyze all modes of failure that have occurred. A critical risk is obtained using the Reverse Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (RFMEA) method, which is then analyzed further using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to get a basic event. Furthermore, a specific treatment of risk could be proposed. Forty-five failure modes have been identified from operational data. Based on this research, five failure modes have been categorized as critical: Pilot Failure, Air Intake problems, Analog Output / Discrete Output (AO/DO) Modules that often hang, Shut Down caused by Gas Engine Generator (GEG) Hunting, and broken glycol pump. By FTA, the cause of these critical risks can be recognized, and mitigation plans are proposed as a risk response plan for known critical risks. The plan is expected to reduce the occurrence of operational failure or reduce the impact of the failure.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Itsna Affandi Firdaus, Muhammad Isa Irawan Integer Programming Application for Optimizing Line Balancing as Output Function in Bogie Carset Industry 2023-11-14T08:57:59+00:00 Muhammad Zainuddin Fathoni Nurhadi Siswanto <p>PT. BI is a company engaged in manufacturing bogie carset, at PT. BI, each work activity does not have the same operating time, and there is no standard time for each of its operations. Therefore, there is often an imbalance in each workstation. If continuous, it can lead to ineffective and inefficient production lines. The determination of production output is not well planned and only based on trial and error, resulting in the line's low efficiency. Mathematical integer programming will be used to determine the placement of activities on each workstation and the optimal output that can improve the efficiency of the track. This technique will be applied by taking a sample product from the company under study. The study showed a time efficiency of 25.81 minutes in line balancing side frame product. Meanwhile, there is a time efficiency of 1.745.9 minutes for bolstering product line balancing. The maximum output for side-frame products is 49 units/week, while the total number of bolster products is 29 units/week.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Zainuddin Fathoni, Nurhadi Siswanto Port’s Land Optimization Using Linear Programming Method 2023-11-14T09:03:25+00:00 Andarmadi Jati Abdhi Wasesa Nurhadi Siswanto <p class="SIMTAbstractBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">Port operational activities, in addition to loading and unloading activities, there are also other business activities, such as land rental business. Land port leased to service users to support loading and unloading activities at the dock. Therefore, the land leasing business is the supporting business that plays a vital role in the operation of the port. Land leased to customers based on zoning designation. There are major zoning to support the needs of dock activities and additional zoning to support other maritime businesses. A suitable zoning area will help operations and increase revenue from land leases. Efficient land use will also reduce the need for reclamation for port development since reclamation is now considered a move that harms the environment's ecosystem. The problem in zoning design for harbor land use is the mismatch of land zoning planning with the needs of land users. A lot of land is empty because it is not suited for the zoning that land users need, thus causing a financial loss for the company. An optimization model is needed to maximize the benefits of land use. This study uses profit as an objective function while regulating and projecting land demand is a constraint. This study has established the optimal land allocation using linear programming to optimize each land zoning to maximize revenue without ignoring existing regulations.</span></p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andarmadi Jati Abdhi Wasesa, Nurhadi Siswanto Information Technology Governance Audit at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) with COBIT 5 Framework 2023-11-14T09:11:11+00:00 Heppy Oktianatasari R. V. Hari Ginardi <p class="SIMTAbstractKeyword" style="text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Segoe UI Semilight',sans-serif; font-weight: normal;">PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pelindo 3) is improving its customer services by developing Information Technology (IT) solutions. The Sub Directorate Information Technology and Communication (Subdit TIK) Pelindo 3 implements IT Governance that has been regularly evaluated to optimize and align the solution developed to the company's business strategy. This research aims to obtain a measure of the current and expected capabilities of the IT process, specifically in Subdit TIK Pelindo 3, and to get recommendations to align IT governance with Pelindo 3's business strategy. The research method used is the COBIT 5 framework. The collected data is processed using a weighting method on the RACI Chart and a median value method for IT capability value. The result shows that the IT management capability level implemented in Subdit TIK Pelindo 3 mostly reaches only level 1, while the anticipated capability in 2018 is level 3. It means the company has not currently implemented a defined process or failed to achieve the objectives of the process. In this research, recommendations are developed to improve process capabilities to achieve the targeted capability level of IT management.</span></em></p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Heppy Oktianatasari, R. V. Hari Ginardi Design of Risk Mitigation Strategy for Procurement of Raw Materials to Glass Melting Furnace at PT AMFG 2023-11-14T09:27:38+00:00 Bambang Widyawardhana Maulana Niniet Indah Arvitrida <p>Raw materials procurement is crucial in the sustainability of the glass manufacturing industry, including at PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk (AMFG). Procurement of raw materials that are not smooth can cause a significant loss and can cause production failure (unproduct) or shut off factory operations. The glass factory has the characteristics of a continuous factory where the smelting materials must be fed continuously because the smelting furnace operates continuously. There is no holistic research on raw material procurement risk management at PT AMFG. This research uses the House of Risk (HoR) approach to manage risk, which consists of 2 phases. The first phase is identifying risks in which risk events and agents are identified and measurement of severity and occurrence, also carried out levels and calculation of the aggregate risk potential (ARP) value. The second phase is risk management. The phase 1 HoR analysis result was carried out by direct discussion at PT AMFG or material supplier in the mine through scoring for each risk event, namely 65 risk events that can be identified through the planning, purchasing, mining/production, inspection, delivery and treatment process. From the Pareto chart, 9 potential risk agents must be prevented by evaluating using HoR stage 2, so that 17 preventive actions are obtained, of 10 preventive actions will be prioritized. One of the priority actions is the creation of an online monitoring dashboard application (Raw Material or RM-One) that can quickly update and monitor risk management from upstream (mining materials and other crucial raw materials) to downstream (factories). RM-One will help facilitate supply chain coordination, especially in preventive efforts against risks.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bambang Widyawardhana Maulana, Niniet Indah Arvitrida Employee Attrition Prediction using Machine Learning in Rolling Stock Manufacturing Company 2023-11-14T09:35:52+00:00 Mu’ammar Itqon Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo <p>Employee retention is crucial in human resource management, particularly in the rolling stock industry, characterized by a dynamic working environment and fierce competition. Elevated attrition rates can incur heightened recruitment expenses, productivity decline, and institutional knowledge loss. Addressing these concerns, this research endeavors to construct precise predictive models pinpointing employees at a heightened attrition risk. Employing the Team Data Science Process (TDSP) framework, three distinct machine learning algorithms were leveraged: Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayes (NB), and Random Forest (RF) to structure the employee dataset. TDSP procedure encompasses stages from data acquisition cleansing to descriptive analysis, dataset partitioning, algorithm deployment, and model appraisal. The evaluated variables include job designation, employment type, marital and educational status, gender, tenure, commute distance, and age. Model effectiveness was gauged via precision, recall, F1-score, and overall accuracy. The Random Forest algorithm surpassed its counterparts, boasting a remarkable accuracy of 93.1%. SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) was incorporated for profound comprehension and model transparency. This analysis accentuated job role and employment type as pivotal in attrition forecasting. Such insights are instrumental for rolling stock firms to discern core determinants and craft potent, data-centric retention approaches.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mu’ammar Itqon, Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo Circular Economy Business Model in High Frequency Welding Steel Pipe Company: A Case Study 2024-05-27T09:58:24+00:00 Maydawati Fidellia Gunawan Moses Laksono Singgih <p class="SIMTAbstractBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">Interest and attention to the circular economy business model have increased rapidly among policymakers, companies, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders. Circular business models are believed and tested to produce benefits, such as reduced costs and environmental and social impacts. Existing research on circular business model innovation in steel manufacturing companies is still limited, especially in steel pipe manufacturing. In addition, research on applying existing circular business model innovations generally relates circularity to the closed product cycle flow. Based on the above problems, this research develops and selects alternative circular business model innovations in high-frequency welding steel pipe manufacturing companies using the DEMATEL and ANP integration approach. Nine criteria and eight alternative business models were developed based on the literature review. The research results show an alternative circular economy business model that can be applied in circular product and process design. </span></p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Maydawati Fidellia Gunawan, Moses Laksono Singgih Analysis of Omnichannel in Fixed-Broadband Internet Services to Improve Customer Experience at PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk 2023-11-14T09:48:08+00:00 Irfan Muhammad Iqbal Udisubakti Ciptomulyono <p class="SIMTAbstractBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">Many companies use Multichannel to provide their services to customers. However, these channels are not integrated, making customers get different experiences, and the flow of information is not continuous. The Omnichannel comes by synergizing the management of various channels to achieve a seamless, integrated, and consistent customer experience. PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (Telkom), a telecommunication company that provides internet fixed broadband service, is already integrating its services at various touchpoints with customers. However, it was found that the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures the level of customer experience, is not optimal. This study tends to solve the problem with Omnichannel Customer Experience (OCX) by developing a model based on the Wixom &amp; Todd framework that considers the perceived channel integration quality as object-based beliefs and the perceived Fluency as behavioral beliefs along with the moderating effect of internal and external usage experience from customers. The model is validated using an online survey of 210 customers analyzed by the Partial Least Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method. Results indicate that perceived Fluency strongly affects Omnichannel Customer Experience along with 6 out of 10 dimensions of channel integration quality. </span></p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Irfan Muhammad Iqbal, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono Application of Lean Concept on Replacement Process of Gauze Catalyst at PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia 2023-11-14T10:29:52+00:00 Muhammad Sigit Awaludin Malik Putu Dana Karningsih <p class="SIMTAbstractBodyText"><span lang="EN-US">PT KNI is a foreign investment company that produces Ammonium Nitrate (AN), used as a component in explosive raw materials. During the early-stage production process, PT KNI faced the problem of replacing the Gauze Catalyst, which took a long time, causing the machine to experience downtime for 169 hours, or equivalent to a loss of USD 5,874,440. This problem is caused by non-value-added activities (waste) during the catalyst replacement process. Therefore, this study aims to identify waste and recommend corrective actions to reduce or eliminate them. This study adopts the lean approach by applying Process Activity Mapping and Root Cause Analysis (5 whys, Cause and Effect Diagram) to help identify non-value-added/wasteful activities and determine their root causes. The proposed improvements to address the root causes of waste include implementing 5S to make employees work more effectively and efficiently, developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are in line with the current situation to facilitate employee work, adopting Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) to build mutually beneficial business relationships between PT KNI and vendors, providing training to improve employee productivity, and ensuring the availability of tools, group communication, and a more ergonomic work environment. These improvements could eliminate wastage for 478 minutes and save USD 276,921.33 (4.72%) costs, thereby improving company performance. </span></p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Sigit Awaludin Malik, Putu Dana Karningsih Design of Technical Evaluation Criteria for Procurement of Maintenance and Repair Services in Upstream Oil and Gas Companies 2023-11-14T10:40:28+00:00 Febrita Kusuma Wardana Valeriana Lukitosari <p>In the process of procuring services for the selection of contractors in upstream oil and gas companies that comply with PTK 007 SKK MIGAS regulations, an appropriate decision-making method is needed, in accordance with the scope and can be applied, where the technical evaluation assessment requires multiple criteria with respective weightings. Previous research has mostly been carried out in the construction and non-upstream oil and gas industries where the determination of criteria has not been precise and practical as needed which can affect technical evaluation failures. This multi-criteria decision-making method uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, the results of which can be made into a mathematical model to determine the assessment of each potential winning Contractor. The research began with identifying the criteria for previous research, the criteria currently used, and the classification of the appropriate criteria where the preparation was carried out using a questionnaire and a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) which was divided into 2 stages until each weighting criterion was obtained. This study resulted in 4 main criteria with 16 sub criteria where the main criteria with the highest weight was the ability to maintain and repair at 38.5%, with 2 sub criteria categorized as passed failed.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Febrita Kusuma Wardana, Valeriana Lukitosari