VISTRA: Jurnal Desain, Strategi Media dan Komunikasi 2024-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Yurif Setya Darmawan, ST., M.Ds Open Journal Systems <p>VISTRA: Journal of Design, Media, and Communication Strategy is a publication of the Scientific Publication Center (PPI) under the Directorate of Research and Community Service at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in Surabaya. The journal features research articles, reports on visual communication design, conceptual ideas, and discussions of broader issues related to design, media, and communication. VISTRA is published three times per year.<br /><br /></p> Perancangan Kampanye Sosial Eco Enzyme Sebagai Upaya Pengolahan Sampah Organik Untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga 2023-08-03T08:45:01+00:00 Rizka Amalia Putri Dwitasari <p>Organic waste generated from household waste can be a severe problem if improperly handled. Currently, most of the waste produced by the Indonesian state comes from food waste, especially vegetable and fruit waste. This waste can be utilised to reduce the problem of waste accumulation, one of which is by making eco enzymes. Eco enzyme is a multipurpose liquid fermented organic waste such as vegetables and fruit. However, an introduction regarding the manufacture of eco enzymes requires more detailed information media, including waste sorting, how to manufacture and the impact that has a significant impact on the environment. The information media that will be created is in the form of a social campaign with media selection according to the needs of the target segment of homemakers so that messages can be appropriately conveyed. The design of this campaign was carried out through several research methods, namely literature studies, in-depth interviews with extreme users and stakeholders, observations, questionnaires, and<br />experimental studies to design a design concept that includes media, communication, and visual concepts. The concept is then validated through user testing and interviews with expert sources. This design is expected to be an alternative media of information to the public to raise public awareness of the importance of processing organic waste, and one of them is processing organic waste into the eco enzyme.</p> 2023-08-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 VISTRA: Jurnal Desain, Strategi Media dan Komunikasi Perancangan Visual Novel Berbasis Sejarah G30S Melalui Pendekatan Multiple Choice Untuk Remaja dan Dewasa 2023-08-05T04:46:19+00:00 dani zakaria Raditya Eka Rizkiantono <p>Controversies surrounding the 30th September Movement (G30S) in Indonesia have become sensitive issues, especially concerning the Indonesian Communist Party's (PKI) resurgence. Even after the Era Reformasi, fear and paranoia toward the PKI still exist in society and become politicization subject, which stems from the background of the Orde Baru regime, where the history of G30S were only presented in single version. This limits diverse perspectives and objective information, despite the existence of seven dif erent theories behind G30S. Essentially, this issue arises because of the limited historical references available to the public. So, a media platform is needed that can present multiple perspectives on the G30S events in a coherent narrative. The chosen media for this project is a Visual Novel with multiple-choice approach. This media and method are selected because they provide readers to explore multiple possiblity storyline, covering four dif erent G30S theories. The research method used will involve qualitative data, including literature studies from books, notes, and historical documentation. This data will be corroborated through interviews with experts to confirm its accuracy. Once the data is gathered, the design process will be executed in several stages, analyzed it with experts, and resulting the prototype. The prototype will be tested with user testing sample and refined to reach the final design. This design aims to enhance the historical reference materials to the younger generation, specifically the G30S events, and provide an understanding that multiple historical possibilities can exist. As a result, people will be wiser in responding current phenomena.</p> 2023-08-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 VISTRA: Jurnal Desain, Strategi Media dan Komunikasi Perancangan Animasi Dengan Pendekatan Psikologi Sosial Untuk Anak-Anak Kaum Marjinal Usia 7-12 Tahun Sebagai Media Edukasi Pendidikan Karakter 2023-08-08T02:03:58+00:00 Muhammad Rayhandito Rabendra Yudistira Alamin <p>The National Law No. 20 of 2003 emphasizes the importance of the national education system in achieving equal educational opportunities, improving quality, and managing education efficiently. However, marginalized children with economic constraints still face challenges in accessing educational opportunities due to limited time and difficulties in studying at home. Instead of exploiting these limitations, the Red Nose Foundation utilized them in a social psychology class aimed at instilling character education. Nevertheless, they recognize the need for innovative and effective approaches in delivering character education to the target audience. To achieve a precise and effective design, the process will involve existing studies, experimental studies, in-depth interviews with stakeholders and necessary resources, user testing, and literature review to support the design. The urgency of the design and how the resulting media output can<br />better connect with the target audience compared to other media outputs will also be considered. Two animated episodes have been presented to the target audience, and it has been concluded that using animation as a medium for character education has yielded positive results. The audience enjoys watching the animations, and the evaluations conducted have shown excellent outcomes. Therefore, it can be said that the animation used in this design has been successful.</p> 2023-08-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 VISTRA: Jurnal Desain, Strategi Media dan Komunikasi Serial Motion Comic Sebagai Edukasi Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Bergenre Sci-Fi (Science Fiction) 2023-09-08T03:41:07+00:00 Faizal Achwalul Hidayah Rabendra Yudistira Alamin Sayatman Putri Dwitasari <p>Environmental pollution is a problem that cannot be separated from human life today. The sustainability of human activities without paying attention to the surrounding environmental conditions will worsen human life in the future. The importance of preserving the environment needs to be considered with the educational aspect. The existence of education related to environmental conservation is important to do from an early age. One of them is for teenagers, and it is hoped this education will help develop awareness regarding preserving the environment in the future. The design begins with a collection of opinions related to the habits of teenagers and their insights related to the environment. Based on the survey, the media subject is in the form of motion comics, the storytelling medium considered to be able disseminate educational messages with its advantages in the audio-visual field. Interviews with experts are conducted in order to obtain valid information related to educational suggestions that will be delivered. Literature studies as secondary data research, as well as visual observations for visual motion comic references. Through the design of this motion comic, it is hoped that ideas and invitations to preserve the environment can be conveyed through story narratives with attractive and representative visuals.</p> 2023-08-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faizal Achwalul Hidayah, Rabendra Yudistira Alamin , Sayatman, Putri Dwitasari Perancangan Interactive Puppets Edukasi Diskriminasi pada Anak 10-12 Tahun 2023-07-28T14:52:25+00:00 Safira Dyapramesti Ruhita Putri Dwitasari Nugrahardi Ramadhani Naufan Noordyanto <p>Discrimination is a problem that is still often found in society, especially among children. Children still cannot distinguish between right and wrong treatment regarding the actions and words they do and say. This design was created to educate children through interactive learning media so they do not behave discriminatorily. This design uses several research methods, namely existing studies, literature studies, observation, in-depth interviews, and quantitative data collection in the form of questionnaires. The data will be processed at the experimental study stage, pre-test, and user testing stages. This method was carried out to obtain child behaviour, child psychology, and media data, which became a reference in this design. From the results of research and interviews that have been conducted, the output chosen as the primary media is a contemporary puppet. This media is designed to make learning more enjoyable. Children will be invited to participate in the stories being told and be able to interact freely with the stories as well as supporting media in the form of interactive guidebooks as references and instructions from the leading media. Through this media, it is hoped that it can educate children to respect and love themselves and others, respect differences, and prevent them from discriminating against others.</p> 2024-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 VISTRA: Jurnal Desain, Strategi Media dan Komunikasi