Perancangan Signage Kawasan Wisata Pantai Sanur di Kota Denpasar

Signage Design for the Sanur Beach Tourism Area in Denpasar City


  • Didit Prasetyo Desain Komunikasi Visual ITS Surabaya
  • I Nyoman Tri Sendyana Desain Komunikasi Visual ITS Surabaya
  • Aslam Arethusa Maneezyaa Rasyid Desain Komunikasi Visual ITS Surabaya



sanur beach, signage, tourism


Sanur Beach is one of the tourist areas known as the sunrise beach due to its location in the east of the island of Bali. This beach is the right location for domestic and foreign tourists to carry out various activities such as relaxing, swimming, or canoeing. The increasing popularity of Sanur Beach is unfortunately not accompanied by an increase in signage facilities where the existing signage is still inadequate. The purpose of this design is to create typical signage of the Sanur Beach Tourism Area to improve the quality of tourist visits and make it easier for tourists to get information in yet visual communication. The method used to obtain and analyze the data in this design is a qualitative method consisting of natural observation, depth interview, and user persona. The signage concept design produced in the design includes materials, colors, fonts, and design styles that are adjusted to the impression presented by the Sanur Beach environment, which contains elements of refreshing, natural, and fun. The output of this design includes digital visualization of identification signage, directional signage, orientation signage, and regulatory signage in the Sanur Beach Tourism Area. The results of the design are expected to provide convenience for visitors to visit tourist objects and improve the quality of visits from visitors.

Keywords - sanur beach, signage, tourism




How to Cite

Prasetyo, D., Tri Sendyana, I. N., & Maneezyaa Rasyid, A. A. (2023). Perancangan Signage Kawasan Wisata Pantai Sanur di Kota Denpasar: Signage Design for the Sanur Beach Tourism Area in Denpasar City. VISTRA: Jurnal Desain, Strategi Media Dan Komunikasi, 1(1), 1–15.


