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Publication Ethics
Ethics Publishing
Halal Research Journal is a journal published by DRPM - ITS. This statement describes the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the publication of articles in this journal, namely authors, editors-in-chief, editors/editors, reviewers and publishers.
Publisher Duties
Directorate of Research & Community Service (DRPM) - ITS as the publisher of Halal Research Journal is responsible and committed to ensuring that advertising, reprints or other commercial revenues do not have an impact or influence on the editor's decisions. In addition, DRPM ITS and editors will assist in communication with other journals and/or other publishers if needed.
Editor/Editor Duties
- Publication Decision
The Editor/Editor of the Psychology Journal is responsible for deciding which articles must be published based on the input from the review results conducted by peer reviewers. Editors can consult with peer reviewers in making this decision.
- Principles of Justice
- Editors evaluate manuscripts/articles regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the author.
- The editor will ensure that the article is in accordance with the scientific focus/scope of the journal. Responses from peer reviewers will be used as a basis for Editors to determine whether an article is accepted, accepted with revision (major/minor revision), or rejected.
- An article is rejected for publication due to various considerations, including because the article is not in accordance with the scope of science and art, the scientific side of the article is inadequate to be classified as a scientific paper, fundamental methodological errors, or because the author refuses to make suggestions for improvement given by peer reviewers without a logical basis.
- The order of publication is adjusted to the order in which articles are entered, and article revisions are submitted to the editorial board.
- The editor ensures that all published articles are free of plagiarism. This can be done by using anti-plagiarism software or asking the writer to include a statement that their article is original.
- The editor provides clear and easy-to-understand guidance for writers regarding the writing format, publication ethics, and review process.
- The editor will provide constructive feedback to the author whose article was rejected, including suggestions for possible improvement.
- The editor will seek to engage reviewers from different countries and institutions to ensure a more objective assessment.
- Confidentiality
The editor must not disclose any information about the manuscript submitted to anyone other than the author, including the reviewer's partner and also the reviewer's identity must be kept confidential to maintain independence and objectivity in the review process.
- Conflict of interest
- Unpublished material but disclosed in the manuscript may not be used in the editor's own research without the written consent of the author.
- Editors should proactively disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise, whether with the author, reviewer, or other parties associated with the article.
- Consequences if there is a conflict of interest between writers, reviewers, or editors.
Peer review Tasks
- Reviewer partners assist editors in making editorial decisions and through editorial communication which is then delivered to the author. The assistance provided by peer reviewers is related to content reviews of a manuscript/article.
- Any manuscript accepted for review must be treated as a confidential document. The manuscript may not be displayed or discussed with others except as permitted by the editor.
- The review must be carried out objectively with supporting arguments according to scientific principles.
Author's Assignment
- Principles of Scientific Writing
- The author writes a manuscript/article based on an accurate original research report.
- The author writes down every reference used in the manuscript according to the rules of scientific writing.
- Authors must ensure that the manuscript written is plagiarism-free as evidenced by the results of anti-plagiarism software or tools.
- The author can confirm that the manuscript submitted to the Halal Research Journal has never been published in other media and is not being sent to other journals.
- The author must agree on the role of each contributor in writing the article and have agreed in advance about the writing of the main author and co-author.
- When authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their published manuscripts, authors have an obligation to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct them.
- Ethics of AI Use in Scientific Writing
- Authors must be transparent in clearly stating the use of AI, including tools or technologies utilized.
- The use of AI-generated content is limited to a maximum of 15%, verified through Turnitin/iThenticate.
- AI-generated content must be accurate, transparent, and accompanied by proper citations or references.
- Avoid AI bias or negative impacts; use AI only when it provides benefits for scientific analysis.
- The use of AI should support scientific discoveries without replacing the role of human expertise.
Reviewer Task
- Contribution to Editorial Decisions:
- Reviewers are expected to provide constructive and specific suggestions for improvement, as well as assist authors in improving the quality of their manuscripts.
- Reviewers should critically evaluate the research methodology used, including research design, data collection, and data analysis.
- Reviewers need to assess the implications of research results on relevant fields of science and provide input on the contribution of research to the development of science.
- Speed:
- Reviewers must inform the editor of the estimated time it will take to complete the review process.
- If there is a delay in the review process, the reviewer must immediately inform the editor and explain the reason.
- Confidentiality:
- The identity of the reviewer must be kept confidential to avoid bias and pressure from the author or other parties related to the research.
- Objectivity Standards:
- Reviewers should avoid any form of bias, be it personal, institutional, or cultural bias.
- Ethical Standards: Reviewers must adhere to ethical standards in conducting assessments, including avoiding plagiarism and giving proper credit to the work of others.
- Source Acknowledgement:
- Reviewers should use tools to check for possible plagiarism in the manuscript being reviewed.
- Reviewers should ensure that all references cited in the manuscript are relevant and up to date.
- Disclosure and Conflict of Interest:
- Reviewers should disclose all forms of conflicts of interest, both direct and indirect, that have the potential to influence their judgment.
- Journals should have clear procedures for managing conflicts of interest, such as by changing reviewers or asking reviewers to state that they can conduct an objective assessment despite conflicts of interest.
- Additional Duties:
- Reviewers must ensure that the manuscript being reviewed is in accordance with the scope and focus of the journal.
- Reviewers can provide input on the quality of the language and the style of writing the manuscript.
- Reviewers should provide clear and specific suggestions for manuscript improvement, including suggestions for major or minor revisions.
- Ethical Violations:
- Reporting if there is an allegation of ethical violations, both from writers, reviewers, and editors.
- Halal Research Journal journal will investigate if there are reports of ethical violations.
- if there is a proven ethical violation, such as a withdrawal of articles, a ban on publication, or a notice to the relevant institution.