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Peer Review
The objective of the peer review process is to ensure that high quality manuscripts relevant to the topics of the journal are published. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed following the procedure outlined below.
Administrative submission evaluation
All submissions are checked by journal administrator to ensure that they conform to the paper template outlined on the author information page of the Halal Research Journal website. Issues such as paper length, English standard, diagram format, referencing style, plagiarism, and so on are considered. If the submission does not meet all or some of these criteria the submission will be declined, and the authors asked to resubmit after addressing the issues.
Initial editorial evaluation
One of the chief editors evaluates the submitted manuscripts. A manuscript can be rejected at this stage due to not being insufficiently original, having serious scientific flaws, having poor language, or being outside the aims and scope of the journal. Manuscripts that meet the minimum criteria are either managed by the chief editor or passed to an associate editor to manage the peer review process.
Halal Research Journal adopts a double-blind peer-reviewing that which the reviewer does not know the author’s identity and vice versa. The initial authors and articles are not displayed until the articles are accepted for further review and publication. Some policies in the review of the Halal Research Journal:
Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. The reviewers will review the submitted article that follows the guidelines and the provided journal template.
Review is done to provide good quality script guarantees. A reviewer is an expert who is deep in understanding with research on halal or related.
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers to ensure the quality of the article.
The process of the review will consider novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references. The reviewers ensure the quality of the articles of their title, abstract, methods, result and discussion, and conclusion. Besides, the reviewers also verify the ethic of publication and plagiarism.
The reviewers also provide feedback on whether the article is accepted, rejected, or needs minor or major revision.
The Halal Research Journal editor has the full right to decide whether the article is accepted or rejected.
Please confirm by email: halal-journal@its.ac.id after making a submission